Healing changed on Test

いつも大変お世話になっておりますのThe Shaman's Crucibleからのパクりネタ。

Tnarg's mending:
Old: 1300 HPs for 450 mana
New: 1800 HPs for 560 mana

Daluda's mending:
Old: 1550 HPs for 490 mana
New: 2144 HPs for 607 mana

Yoppa's mending:
Old: 1785 HPs for 558 mana
New: 2468 HPs for 691 mana

Ancient: Wilsilk's mending:
Old: 1965 HPs for 585 mana
New: 2716 HPs for 723 mana

Even original healing spells are being changed:

Greater Healing:
Old: 300 HPs for 150 mana
New: 350 HPs for 115 mana

Druids are affected too, but the L68 cleric heal hasn't changed yet.

Cholorotrope: (L68 druid)
Old: 2420 HPs for 627 mana
New: 2810 HPs for 691 mana

Pious Light: (L68 cleric)
Old and New: 3770 HPs for 740 mana

っていうかあり得ないだろ? コレ??
え、え? エッ(゜Д゜≡゜Д゜)マジ? どーなのよ?
どーなの? ハッキリしなさいよヽ(#゜ロ゜)ノモラァ!! ○ヽ(゜д゜ )もちつけ